❂ Hecho En Mexico ❂

VIVIR are here with a simple motif - to change how you think about tequila. From maligned shooter to A-list openings, agave based spirits have moved mountains in public perceptions over the past few years. When we opened in 2016 (god that feels like a long time ago) we didn’t even stock tequila! Just a few bottles of Del Maguey mezcal (many of which were still there a year and a half later). Now, tequila & soda sits just behind gin & tonic in terms of popular highball serves.

There’s an adage that the worse the branding the better the liquid when it comes to Tequila. VIVIR operates on a different plain. Paul always enjoyed agave drinks but owing to a unique allergic reaction to poorly-processed cactus, set about creating a premium range of tequilas for the UK market following the highest standards of production. 

On Thursday 19th September, Paul will be guiding you through a tasting of the full range: blanco, reposado and anejo. The nuances and processes behind each; the story of Jalisco and, etymology of the liquid. We’ll then jump on and show you how to use agave in cocktails, treating it as you would gin, brandy or whisk(e)y. Food and music to accompany. FREE TEQUILA ❧


ꌑ BLUE WORLD - John Coltrane ∖ Listening Party


∠ Banana CBD syrup now in store ∻